
All posts for the month April, 2014

Second Hygienist Appointment

Published April 29, 2014 by k3bab87

29 April 2014

All good from todays hygienist appointment. Theyre pinker and look healthier than before. Still not perfect but miles better than before. Im soooo glad she said this because I have tried so hard the last few months and have noticed a change in them myself even though I couldnt get them to bleed and she said that looking at them, whatever Ive been doing, has done the trick.

I hadnt cleaned them since this morning but took my electric toothbrush with me in case she did say i was doing it wrong then I could say, well show me then coz im struggling. Thankfully that wasnt the case but she got me to use a tablet that pink / blue depending on the plaque. Cant remember name of them though. Had them before though in my teens. Anyway, this showed up hardly any pink to say theyve not been cleaned since this morning.

She kept complimenting me on how well I had done in such a short space of time and said she hoped (in a good way) i didnt have to see her again. I explained that they had put my joint clinic back to July and she said that if they cancel again then to say something more formal because this is a long process etc. She said not to hold her to it but if i do see the surgeon and everything goes okay at that appointment she reckons i will have braces on by Sept / Oct. Seems so far away but it will soon fly. She told me to not to lose my motivation because of this put back either because of how well ive done so far even though im at the beginning of the process. Im okay regarding motivation at the moment. I reckon it will be 3/4 way through having my braces on that ill be wanting them off, even though i cant because ive still got them for 9 months approx after the operation too.

The only advice she gave was to maybe clean them a third time in the day (maybe when i get home from work) which will help them even more.

All good and really pleased. Woohoo.

Delayed Joint Clinic Appointment

Published April 22, 2014 by k3bab87

22 April 2014

Had a letter from Charles Clifford at the weekend postponing my 23rd May appointment to 25th July. Was slightly annoyed because I want these braces on as soon as possible because of how long theyre going to be on for.

I rang them today to find out why it said I was seeing my orthodontist and asked if I could just see my surgeon but they said I couldn’t. 😦

I just hope it isn’t going to be a repeat of when I was seeing my knee surgeon because they kept putting my appointments off all the time and ended up complaining.

I also had my annual check up with my normal dentist and he said I needed a filling which Charles Clifford had already told him about but he couldn’t fit me in for this treatment until end of July / August which I was fuming about because he had taken on another surgery. I also kicked up a fuss with this as well because of how long the delay was just for a filling. They rang me later that day and offered an appointment at 9am the following morning which I declined because I said it was only going to happen again next time I needed treatment….so I am also in the process of looking for another dentist.

When I got this re-arranged appointment from Charles Clifford I couldn’t be too mad because it would still be before my ‘filling’ appointment anyway. Least it will give me some time to look into things before I see the surgeon.

Just praying they don’t delay things nearer the time again……

Im seeing the hygienist again next week and im hoping she will say ive improved because I feel like they have as my gums seem pinker than before too.

Fingers crossed I will have some good news from that appointment instead.

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