
All posts for the month October, 2014

Finally……….!!!! :)

Published October 20, 2014 by k3bab87

Monday 20th October 2014

I have been back to Charles Clifford Dental Hospital this morning and as I was in the waiting room, I was preparing to have some serious words with her if she said I still couldn’t have braces on yet!

I went in and she asked whether my filling had been done to which I said yes it had. She asked about the interdental brushes also. I explained to her that I had got them on me but have struggled as I cant fit them in-between my teeth and that I had brought them with me along with everything else! I took a bag full of stuff – electric toothbrush and toothpaste in case she said my brushing was wrong, my corsodyl mouthwash, disclosure tablets, along with the floss, interdental brushes, wisdom interdental brushes (which is what I’ve been using because they seem to be the only ones that fit in-between) and the floss on a handle (don’t know what they’re called). My dentist gave me them to try on Friday and they’re pretty much the same as the wisdom interdentals, where they fit through some but not all.

I was really pleased to see the first hygienist who I saw back in April/May had accompanied my orthodontist as she was the one who was really positive and enthusiastic and I hoped that she would continue to be like this in front of the orthodontist to prove to her that I have been trying very hard with my brushing.

Whilst the orthodontist was looking through notes and seeing other members of staff as it seems she supervisors everyone too, the hygienist used the floss with the handle and showed me what to do. It turned out she struggled too with some of the teeth and sometimes I thought the floss would get stuck. 🙂 She managed to do a few, probably the ones I’ve managed to do as well and neither of them bled. So she said just do the ones you can get in between as there’s nothing you can do with the ones you cant! Which again, I’ve been doing anyway. I haven’t been doing the flossing bit every day though but I thought maybe I could do it with a hand mirror whilst watching TV or something, that way they’re still getting done! The hygienist relayed the information back to the orthodontist where she said she struggled for some teeth and that there was no bleeding!!

The orthodontist then had a look around my mouth and this is where I braced myself (excuse the pun!) because I thought she was going to say ‘nope’ and move onto the next patient! She then said ‘Looking good’. I had stop myself from saying ‘what? say that again!’. She said a positive word. ‘Looking Good’ is good enough for me!!! She asked for the hygienists opinion and she said she knows how hard I’m trying and she thinks I’m ready. The orthodontist agreed. I felt like I was dreaming!

She then said I needed to book an appointment to have moulds and photos done. I knew these had been done so I told her. She said ‘so you have’, went away and came back with my moulds and pics. She did take a few extra pics because the ones she’d got was a bit dark which I didn’t mind (even though I hate photos) just as long I wasn’t having moulds again anytime soon!

Whilst the orthodontist was doing more stuff on the computer I got talking to the hygienist as I really like her and she was saying all sorts of stuff, teeth related and not, and I was saying that I was getting a little bit impatient because I’ve been trying so hard and know the process is so long. I made sure that the orthodontist was in earshot although she didn’t comment. The hygienist just kept saying that she can see how much effort I’ve put in etc and that the process wont be too bad, because every 6-8 weeks ill be popping back to have the braces tightened etc so it will pass quickly. (I hope so!)

So, they then said about the upcoming appointments, however because I’m with the senior orthodontist, there maybe a delay because she’s so busy. I wont be too bothered as long as they don’t keep cancelling appointments on me so it delays it even further.

They are writing to my dentist to tell them which teeth need pulling out – 3rd from back on both sides (top) (they told me this last time) which can take a couple of weeks to send out but I asked if I could have a copy to which they said yes. However, I know how difficult it is to get booked in at my dentist so I asked if I could pre-book appointment now with my dentist and then re-arrange if need be once the letter has arrived. I’ve already spoken to them and booked in for the extraction on Thursday 18th December.

So my appointments at Charles Clifford are not until late December / Early January but I’m on the waiting list!!

29th December – To have separators / spacers put in on back teeth. I’ve seen them on a few blogs I’ve read but not sure of the purpose behind it so research is needed on that one.

5th January – To have molar bands fitted. Again, I’ve seen them on blogs where they’re ‘clamped’ on the back tooth so again going to look into that further. This is an hour appointment apparently.

19th January – Top braces get fitted first which I’m assuming is at this appointment and this is an hour as well.

Lots happening and now I’ve got my confidence back. I’m going to keep up the hard work. They’ve also lent me a DVD about the operation which I have to return on next appointment. Depending on whether it is gory or not will depend on whether I watch it or not!!

Check up at dentist

Published October 16, 2014 by k3bab87

Thursday 16 October 2014

Doing this on my phone so not sure how it’ll turn out!

Been for my 6 monthly checkup this morning and he did his normal check up etc along with clean and polish. He said that the way I cleaned them this morning needs to be how I clean them everyday but it is…
He mentioned flossing to me like the others and I’ve told him what I’ve been doing etc and then as I was leaving, I asked him if he would put braces on as they are now and he said no!! 😦
I’m trying so hard and just keep hitting a brick wall. Least I’m prepared for a no on Monday now when I go back to see the orthodontist!

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