
All posts for the month May, 2015

Sharp bit removed.

Published May 24, 2015 by k3bab87

Sunday 24th May 2015

I forgot to update the other day so thought id do it now while I still remembered!

After my adjustment on the 11th May my coil thing was really sharp. It was slightly sharp before my adjustment but didn’t mention anything because it wasn’t bothering me too much!

Less than 24 hours later I was covered in ulcers. All week I was then trying to ‘put up with it’ hoping it would go away and just seemed to get worse so after the weekend I rang the hospital on Monday. They couldn’t get me in on that day so I went on the Tuesday instead. They changed the wire and I haven’t been uncomfortable or any ulcers since.


Published May 15, 2015 by k3bab87

Friday 15th May 2015.

Before my adjustment I noticed my coil was getting a bit sharp but wasn’t bothering me too much. I thought she would have changed it but I don’t think she has because its sharper than ever. Ive been contemplating on whether to ring them or hope it becomes less sharp but then the ulcers are getting more sore. Its ripping my gums like mad. I think I might give them a ring on Monday and see what they can do because I don’t think I can cope with this for 8 weeks.


On other news, I am in Jaw Surgery page on Facebook and today I read an interesting post about a girl who had a wonky jaw just like me and during her surgery she had a ‘Condyla Shave’. From her mid twenties into her thirties she noticed her jaw bone was growing and her surgeon also told her she had a growth spurt beyond her teenage years, just like me! Im going to mention my growth spurt again to the surgeon next time I see him (whenever that will be) and may even mention this. I am going to google it to make sure I understand what it actually is!

2nd adjustment appointment

Published May 11, 2015 by k3bab87

Monday 11th May 2015

Been for my second adjustment appointment today and ortho seemed pleased. She said my tops have moved loads so can now put brackets on the teeth that are set back. I was hoping she would take the coils off put they’re still on but she reckons they will definitely come off next time. So I have a coil and wires known as a ‘piggy back’. Google it, it will make more sense!

There was one tooth (Number 5) where she didn’t like the position of the bracket. I’m so glad she said this because it is this tooth that keeps catching on my gum and bleeding so she’s broken it off and replaced into a better position. This tooth was also very sensitive when she tried taking the wire off too.

The tops took quite a long time to do then she got onto the bottom and she didn’t think they’d moved that much and I said id only noticed the corner one had straightened up a lot.

She then took more photos – not sure why, maybe just because of the movement.

As I was about to leave, the assistant who I like mentioned in a passing conversation about colours, not about me having them but she said it, so I asked again why I couldn’t have colours on. The ortho then said its because I have ‘special’ braces. (That explains why that student dentist didn’t know what to do a few weeks ago when I went back to get my broken bracket fixed). She did say I could have a few colours on the front ones if I wanted. As it was so out the blue and not prepared I said I wanted pink but there was a bright one and a pale one, so they said to put both on and then when I go back in July, decide if I wanted any of the colours on or stay with just the metal. What do you think?

photo 1 photo 2

Then just as I left, I asked if my cleaning was okay etc because she’d not mentioned it and her reply was, ‘yes theyre absolutely fine’. Woohoo. I said I was really pleased about that.

Another thing that made me chuckle was they were talking about how they come across as ‘not nice’ to newbie dentists etc and the ortho said I think we’re nice to newbies, I think im too soft. Inside I thought you hadn’t been with me to start off with. So im glad she didn’t ask for my opinion on that one!

Check Up Appointment

Published May 7, 2015 by k3bab87

Thursday 7th May 2015

Went to dentist and it was the first time he’d seen me with braces.

He said he wanted to do x-rays but unfortunately couldn’t because of the molar bands. He didn’t explain why though. I was a little bit gutted because I wanted to see if I could get a copy but I might be able to get this from the hospital when they took them in 2013.

As he checked over my mouth, he wasn’t positive but he wasn’t really negative either. No cavities this time which I was also pleased about. He said my cleaning was much better where I was struggling before however I now need to concentrate on the backs of my bottom teeth at the front. (Near where the tongue lies). I can live with those comments. He just gave me a clean and polish and I was on my way! Yay!

He suggested I visit the dental surgery every 3 months for a clean and polish so I don’t get any marks on my teeth from the braces etc. In this situation I’m happy to spend the money doing this. However it wont be with him, it will be with his hygienist Jennifer. Now I recognised that name straight away because she was the woman who did my very first filling and felt everything she did. Not a nice experience for a first time! She then accused me of over-reacting so I kicked off big time, both to her and the manager. I told them I never wanted her to do me a filling ever again and thankfully my dentist has done these ever since.

In this case, I’m happy for her to do a clean and polish. What’s the worst she can do? Hopefully not a lot! So two more appointments to add to the diary.

Now lets see what the orthodontist has to say on Monday.

Check up tomorrow

Published May 6, 2015 by k3bab87

Wednesday 6th May 2015

Got my 6 monthly check up tomorrow with my normal dentist and I remember from last time that he was going to take x rays. Seen as though I pay for this service, I’m going to be cheeky and ask if I can either have a copy or take a photograph for my ‘scrapbook’. Something to look back on when its all done and dusted. I know that my teeth have slightly changed since I saw him last but not loads and my jaw certainly hasn’t changed! I’m also hoping he is going to mention how good / bad my cleaning has been because it will then give me an idea on whether ‘the devil’ (orthodontist) will give me good / bad feedback when I see her on Monday for my second adjustment. It doesn’t help that I’m full of cold / cough which I was hoping would be gone by now with my upcoming appointments. Its been a week and its not shifting. Oh well.

Will update again tomorrow.

Talking of photos, I’ve took 81 photos since July 2014!!! Obsessed?? I think so!!!

I’m going to try and put some of them on the photos section, if I can remember!

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