
All posts for the month November, 2014

Another Delayed Appointment

Published November 17, 2014 by k3bab87

Monday 17th November 2014

Got an envelope come through the post on Saturday and I just knew from the text that it was from the hospital. I automatically thought the worst, that it was a cancelled appointment and I was right!! I thought oh great, is this how its gonna be for the next 2 years but when I read it, it wasn’t as bad. I was expecting it to be weeks or months later but it had only changed from a morning appointment to an afternoon appointment. Thankfully I’m not at work anyway so its not a problem.

I also got the copy letter which they send to my dentist and so they know what they’re doing now when I go in December for my teeth pulling out.

I’m more nervous about these two teeth being pulled out than anything else even the surgery because one of the reasons why I didn’t have braces when I was younger was because I was told that some teeth would need to be pulled out and at that point I’d never had anything done to my teeth before so I said no I didn’t want braces. When I had my wisdom teeth pulled out in 2010, I was put to sleep so obviously I was fine because I knew nothing about it but this time I wont be and the fact its two teeth as well. The fear has already kicked in and I’m pretty scared about it. With my panic attacks, I know that I’m going to have to try and keep as calm as I can but I know that will be difficult too.

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