
Im 26 years old and I am having double jaw surgery. When I was younger I was given the opportunity to have braces on however being a young teenager getting bullied at school and had no dental work done, I declined the offer. I was told I would have had to have teeth taken out and the thought of having an injection in my mouth along with pain frightened me. Now looking back I obviously regret not having this done but over the last 4-5 years ive noticed that my jaw is becoming asymmetric to my nose and teeth and when I have a photo taken its very noticable. So I made the decision to look into having something done about it. Im now in work and away from those bullies. My friends and family are incredibly supportive so knew that if I was going to go ahead with this, I would have their support along the way.

2 comments on “About

  • I’m very self conscious of my jaw bein wonky and want to finally do something to fix it! Who did you go to to start the process and be referred to the relevant people? Would really appreciate any advise you have

    • Hi Rachel. I initially just wanted braces and thought at the age I was, I would have to pay so looked around as my dentist didn’t do them interest free. A dentist in the city centre mentioned about my asymmetry and said that if I got my dentist to refer me to the hospital, they would probably do the whole thing together and they did. Hope that helps. 😊

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