
All posts for the month April, 2015

Repaired for the 10 millionth time!

Published April 21, 2015 by k3bab87

Tuesday 21st April 2015

Back again to repair my broken bracket. Got the nice lady again who talks through everything shes doing (wish I could have her everytime)

I explained I was getting worried with how many times it keeps happening. She wondered if it was something to do with the glue as its a different bracket everytime and would be more worried if it was the same one. She did say that the back ones are more prone to breaking off because we use them to chew our food up with. She also said its the side where its affecting my jaw, its the side that only closes as my left side doesn’t.

She did what she had to do and I asked if they think ill be getting these coil spring things off the front when I go back in May because they’re becoming really sharp and had lots of ulcers on my lips. There is still  3 weeks until my next appointment so she said they still could move more and thinks I possibly might be just getting a wire on there instead next time. Without getting my hopes up, I hope so.

I forgot to ask why they put a rubber band on the top last time though.

Hope there’s no more breakages between now and my next appointment.

4th breakage

Published April 20, 2015 by k3bab87

Monday 20th April 2015

Its not even two weeks since my last breakage and now I have another one! That’s 4 (or possibly even 5) now. I knew another would break off! It was whilst brushing my teeth this morning though which is the first time that’s happened.

I’m going try and get back in this week sometime and hope that it wasn’t as bad as the last time!

Worst Breakage Appointment So Far

Published April 8, 2015 by k3bab87

Couldn’t get in at the dentist yesterday to fix my broken bracket so got booked in for this morning.

Of all the breakage appointments ive had, this has got to have been the worst one so far. I have total respect for dental students but this one didn’t seem to know what she was doing and hurting me along the way. Every time I said ow, she never apologised.

She was fiddling around (I think trying to get my wires out from the brackets) and was a good 5 mins. She then gave up I think and requested for the consultant. Eventually she came and showed her that she needed a tool (pliers) to get the wires out, gave her a brief and left her to it. She replaced the bracket and glued it on, then clipped the wire back but think it wasn’t in the correct place so went to take it out and couldn’t so called for the consultant again. She came and recognised that the glue had set into the wire which is why she couldn’t loosen it. She then broke it all off and said she would do it, so started all over again. The consultant never hurt me once.

Although she fixed the problem, I think. She’s put an elastic somewhere near the back of my teeth but didn’t explain why except that those teeth aren’t moving. Thought they were all going to be moving?!? There were lots of “i think’s” and “im not sures” coming from the consultants mouth so I had no confidence in what she was saying.

Towards the end, she asked me to close my mouth together and she said “oh, is that your normal bite?” I nodded and she said, “well that’s not right”. I said “I know that’s why im having jaw surgery”. She said oh right.

Then she said we were all done but it didn’t feel comfortable. On the opposite side to where the breakage was, the wire and coil seemed loose and so I said something and the consultant said well looks okay. Im no dentist so couldn’t argue but somethings definitely not right.

Im not back until May but wouldn’t be surprised if I was back before because I had no confidence in what either of them said or did.


Published April 5, 2015 by k3bab87

Sunday 5th April 2015

It was just this morning I was saying to my friend that I wasn’t due at the dentist until May because haven’t had any breakages for many weeks now so don’t think they’ll break now, then about 3pm this afternoon, one of my teeth on the top became extremely wobbly. My friend asked if that was normal so I said yes, its just because they’re moving. Then I looked in the mirror and noticed that the bracket and power chain had come loose and is now just on the wire. With it being Easter weekend the dentist wont be open until Tuesday so will have to give them a ring first thing. Jinxed!

Ps, they’re moving amazingly well!!! Im so pleased already!

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