
All posts for the month May, 2014


Published May 7, 2014 by k3bab87

Wednesday 7th May 2014

After a rough weekend of drinking, I woke up on Monday morning with toothache!!! It wasnt bothering me much on Monday but Tuesday it was really hurting when I clench them together. I took some nurofen but they didnt seem to work. Im not one to suffer with toothache very often but know in the past Ive cleaned my teeth and it seems to go away. When I got home on Tuesday I brushed my teeth and they just bled but seemed to ease. I had a feeling I would end up having a sleepless night with the pain but I didnt. I woke up at 4.30am this morning and my mouth seemed okay (even to clench) but then as soon as I brushed them, they bled and became sore again.

It was only a week ago when I saw the hygienist and nothing got said. I hope its nothing serious (because I havent sorted out another dentist yet.) If it serious I will have to book an emergency appointment to get it sorted. I hope it doesnt put things back any further. I doubt it will because I’m not seeing the surgeon until July now so time to get this sorted and the filling sorted too.

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