
All posts for the month April, 2016

Normal Dentist

Published April 26, 2016 by k3bab87

Tuesday 26th April 2016

Had my normal dentist check up this morning. Nothing to report really. Dentist said that my cleaning was still good, just one little area that needs extra work. She did a scale on the bottoms.

I did notice this time round that i cant keep my jaw open for very long before it starts hurting and the dentist picked up on this!

I dont go back to her now until October. I asked what do i do if im not ready because i might still be in the early stages of recovery and that i wont be able to open my mouth as wide as today. She said not to worry and to book when im ready too.

I mentioned about whitening when everything is done and dusted because ive noticed on blogs, people have had this done. She did mention that it could be sensitive (which i had also heard) but to see what happens when the braces come off because they might be okay.

The other questions i asked re my crooked front teeth and the bracket that is too big for my tooth, she couldnt answer so ill ask these on 16th May.

Ive also got more impatient this time round. I think it is because i have a date to see the surgeon so time seems to have stood still! 🙂

I messaged the girl who had the same surgeon as me and she said that when she booked an appointment to see him, she booked her surgery date at the same time. I really hope that this happens to me. Eek.

Im also looking forward to this weekend because I am meeting up with a girl in Cardiff who is suffering similar issues to me. Shes such a lovely girl. Shes on a similar timescale to me as well which is really nice to be going through this journey at the same time as her. I cant wait to meet her and compare notes! 🙂 I’ve not even met her yet but feel like ive known her for ages and already call her a good friend!

Scan Update

Published April 7, 2016 by k3bab87

Thursday 7th April 2016

Got my confirmation letter for my scan today and it doesnt say anything about a ‘Panorex’ x ray….it says ‘Cone Beam CT Dental XRay’. Sounds like a posh word for a ‘normal’ CT scan….??!!??


Published April 5, 2016 by k3bab87

Monday 4th April 2016

When I keep going to see the orthodontist, I keep forgetting to ask about having a scan. When I saw the surgeon, almost 2 years ago (times flown) he mentioned about having a growth scan to see whether (at 28) my jaw is still growing. I am due xrays etc at my next appointment but seeing the surgeon after that so thought rather than wait until my May appointment which then might hold things up for when I see the surgeon, I would give them a quick ring and find out what the score is – am I still due one etc?

Left it with the receptionist to find out by asking ortho / surgeon and a couple of hours later, I got a phone call from the dental hospital saying they’ve got me booked in for a ‘panorex’?? x ray in the morning, an hour before my orthodontic appointment. Apparently this scan is different to my ‘normal’ scan…..

So glad its not held anything up and they’ve managed to get me booked in and especially on the same day. Least now the surgeon will have results etc in front of him when I see him. Im also glad that I finally remembered to ask the question and not leave it too late!

In other news:

my jaw and bite have got really bad now – everything is so difficult to do now. Talking, eating, biting……

there is a bracket on my tops that is bigger than my tooth! Its catching on my gums and making them bleed. Not all the time but a lot of the time! Its hard to clean that tooth. Hope its not going to have any problems further down the line!

on the other side, I have a bracket catching on my lips. Its not causing an ulcer at the moment but gunna keep an eye on it. if it starts getting on my nerves, might have to get it sorted. Im assuming its down to everything moving as its not bothered me before.

last week my dad made me chuckle – I was talking to him about something and he pointed to my jaw and said ‘what have you done to your jaw?’. Bearing in mind, he knows everything that is happening to me. I just smiled and said, ‘that’s why im having jaw surgery dad’. I just cracked up laughing. Gotta love him. Bless him.

in just 3 weeks since my last appointment, my gaps are appearing on the top, which is what she wanted – lets hope that they don’t create TOO much of a gap between now and the next appointment!

Times flying and will be here before you know.


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